N.O.W. Bucket List Check Off

Dreams, visions, bucket lists, goals, aspirations, etc. Never give up on what is in your heart’s desire. Keep pushing through even all the rough times until you realize that which you hoped for and it will happen!. I am a witness that N.O.W. = New-Beginnings is Our Witness and YES I am embracing that I am learning how to breathe again. So, I offer you that same type of hope that I am learning and walking in – that we all can capture our hoped for promises if we just continue and reach for that newness of life. I thank God for His love and grace that pushes me to continue and to press. God wants the very best for us so never doubt that for yourself either. You are worthy and worth it. Jesus already died for us so you don’t have think you are not valuable or valued. Your voice matters and we are all waiting to hear what you have to share. It is important that you too learn how to breathe again – JUST BREATHE!