Myrrhism Message Twenty Six – V.E.T.

A V.E.T. is a Visionary Enforcement Teammember.  Normally, when we speak of a V.E.T. Image result for Picture of a  military VETwe automatically think of someone who has served in the armed forces.  As we disect this thought even further we realize that the call of any military personnel is to carry out the orders of their commander.  A commander is the one who holds the vision and communicates this directive to each person who will enforce this command.  Hence, a person who is part of this type of regimen is one who naturally obeys the head official’s orders.  This person regardless of their rank is sworn to enact through tactical manuevers, insightful forthought, and unified action the mission of their leader.  Additionally, after showing their allegiance as service personnel in this type of militia, time served through retirement entitles the signage of being a V.E.T. Now, the person who provided their due dilligence to the organization they were part of is considered for the remainder of their life as a V.E.T.

Even, if we did not enlist into the military, one can still be considered a V.E.T. to whatever cause and allegiance they are sworn to uphold.  Some, may abide by conservation and join groups that uphold their values to be conservationist.  After, some time served normally we think around 2 to 4 years of consistent active service to this cause, one may in fact get the repuation and name of being a V.E.T. to that cause.  Hence, the term Visionary Enforcement Teammember.  This person is truly a beacon for the cause they align themselves to serve.

What cause do you uphold and identify with in your life?  Is it a cause to be a person who is morally upright and spiritually guided by Biblical principles?  Is it an allegiance to a social group, such as, a sorority and/or fraternity?  Is it to a political agenda where you rally your same minded persons to “get out to vote”, especially during a climate where your voice counts?

Do you shine a light on any cause or are you a bystander with a gripe?  Do you consider yourself a person who encourages, uplifts, and promotes a worthy endeavor with vigor and passion so that the message is heard to the point where that vision is embraced by others?

Are you an agent of change or a passive onlooker who has not enlisted in anything and does not have a legacy to show for their life?

Is not it time to realize that you hold a key of uniqueness that no other person on this earth has and this said key within your possesion unlocks so much greatness that if used would impact, inspire, and influence.

N.O.W. is the moment where you become a V.E.T. and the oath as a human being that you were born into at birth becomes ignited within your spirit, soul, and body.  Take a leap of faith and say YES to your new-beginnings.  It may be a new start or a full circle moment where you yield to the burning tug within your heart and speaking to your mind to get up and move into your next level realm of living.

You can become that V.E.T. that you often wondered would you be good enough to go through basic training and flourish.  You can put in the time, even in the face of unmentionable adversity, fears of unknown, and sometimes violent adversaries who only want to defeat that vision you are tasked to carry forth.

Yes, you will face so much in your life – good and bad, ups and downs, happy and sad, hardships and victories – but the vital message in all of this is that you are living your next level and embracing the light within you.

So, I salut you and Thank You for Your Service! MAG-SBG-Veterans-775x500

Selah and Shalom

P. S. If you desire to truly embrace an eternal cause where you are liberated from sin, then why not read further – even if you are a skeptic and just curious about what it means to accept eternal life.  I offer the following.  Again, thank you for stopping by and I hope you are inspired to become energized to actively pursue your borned given cause.

So, what do we have to do to release the S.I.N. from our DNA? 

What is the plan? 

What is the choice we have to make?

To learn more about what we must do to become saved from the death that S.I.N. causes the following provides some guidance:

Click on the links to a Prayer of salvation examples (BUT, really the most important aspect is to just speak from your heart to God).

The Sinner’s Prayer – 4 Examples for Salvation

Salvation Prayer

Sinner’s Prayer to be Saved

Image result for live life after salvationAfter you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior to redeem you from the death grip that S.I.N. created, you can use the following as guidance for how to continue on your journey with the Lord eternally:

5 Things to Do After You Get Saved

I rejoice with your free will choice to choose life of faithful obedience to God’s original plan for your life.  Let us now continue to live life and that life more abundant!

Image result for Picture of a  military VET and christianityRemember, Jesus started us all in knowing what it really means to sacrifice a life for the cause of freeing others.  Just like when you take the oath to serve at any costs, so why don’t  you take your head commander’s orders this day and truly take up the fight for life and that life more abundantl for you and everyone else – that’s what true love, pure sacrifice, and everlasting freedom represents.



The Thankful Revolution rejoices with you and looks forward to continuing to encourage, edify, educate, and inspire as we traverse along our life’s pathway and choices.  Enjoy the journey!

trust God proverbs 3

Continue to stay tuned for more on the meaning of LIFE as we explore Biblical Truths one word at a time, one scripture at a time, one moment in time, …let’s eat that daily bread! Selah, Shalom, Amen Indeed ❤ Miriam a.k.a. Essence of Myrrh Proverbs 3:5-6  Subscribe, Bookmark, Save, Share, Comment, Like, and Enjoy how N.O.W. = New-Beginnings is our Witness can be yours today through one daily Myrrhism Word/Message at a time. 

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Published by msstevenspr

Miriam S. Stevens aka "The Brand Paramedic", is an online social multimedia network strategist. She works with entrepreneurs, special interest groups, and non-profits to develop a social media campaign, marketing strategy, and customer engagement blueprint. She offers this three-prong approach to successfully connect business brands with their clientele. As the creator of MsStevensPR.Com, Miriam encourages productive, one-to-one focus meetings to pinpoint a company’s vision, research their targeted audience, and develop the right implementation plan.

4 thoughts on “Myrrhism Message Twenty Six – V.E.T.

  1. I appreciate how you make the connection between being a Veteran of the Armed Forces and a Vet in life, essentially. I immediately thought of being a soldier in the Army of God; for those who have been walking with Him for years can call themselves VETS, with the ultimate goal of one day retiring by His side.


  2. What cause do you uphold and identify with in your life?  Leading believers to live a life fully alive.
    Is it a cause to be a person who is morally upright and spiritually guided by Biblical principles?  Yessssss Lord!
    Is it an allegiance to a social group, such as, a sorority and/or fraternity?  Kinda… a circle of women… my sisterhood.
    Is it to a political agenda where you rally your same minded persons to “get out to vote”, especially during a climate where your voice counts? Potentially.
    Do you shine a light on any cause or are you a bystander with a gripe?  Bless God He is shinning a bright light through me! Do you consider yourself a person who encourages, uplifts, and promotes a worthy endeavor with vigor and passion so that the message is heard to the point where that vision is embraced by others? My God!!! Yessssssss Lord!
    Are you an agent of change or a passive onlooker who has not enlisted in anything and does not have a legacy to show for their life? I am an agent for change! God is creating a legacy with my life to infect the world for His Kingdom Impact!!!


    1. Stacha, thank you for sharing your thoughts and being a beacon of light in this world. Blessings to you and your family! Thank you for stopping by The Thankful Revolution and sharing in this journey. Shalom


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